Sarasota, Florida, United States

Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota


Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

6 weeks
Substance Use
Co-Occurring Mental Health
Treating addiction and mental health issues with a 3-Phase model of care, residential and outpatient services, transitional living, and personalized care plans.

Highlights from the Center

  • Joint Commission Accredited

  • Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

  • Wellness Emphasis

  • Certified Professionals

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3 Phases of Care

Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota uses 3 distinct phases of recovery for a smooth, comprehensive treatment experience. In their Sarasota location, they specialize in phase 2: Action. Clients progress from Preparation, to Action, to Maintenance. Each phase helps clients prepare themselves for their future, success, and challenges. Both their addiction and mental health programs use a 3-Phase recovery model.

Primary Mental Health

Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota treats clients with primary and co-occurring mental health conditions. Clients learn how to manage stress, triggers, and navigate trauma in a safe environment. Experienced professionals lead individual and group therapy, with group therapy available 7 days a week. Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota can treat conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more. As with their addiction treatment, Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota mental health care follows an individualized plan that’s crafted after an initial psychiatric evaluation and clients’ unique needs.

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota provides expert-led addiction treatment, starting with detox at their New Port Richey location. Clients detox under medical supervision and 24/7 care. After detox, they begin residential treatment with therapeutic care, case management and life skills, and various wellness activities. Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota involves family in the process too, offering a family program every other Friday for all clients and families.

Wellness Services And Aftercare

Clean Recovery Centers Sarasota provides a robust wellness program and aftercare services. Their wellness services include chiropractic care, equine therapy, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, brain mapping, neurofeedback, electromyography, autonomic nervous system testing, and more. After treatment, clients join Clean Recovery Center's alumni and enjoy aftercare services. These include monthly check-ins, video meetings, newsletters, community events, and local group activities.

Levels of Care

Mental health is a complex health condition that requires a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to treatment that ensures you receive the appropriate care at the right time, based on your individual needs.
Typically the initial stage of treatment for substance use, focusing on medically supervised management of withdrawal symptoms.
Not Offered at This Center
An intensive program offering 24 hour care and a variety of therapeutic services in a residential setting.
Sober Living
Not Offered at This Center
Transitional housing designed to support individuals recovering from substance use disorders offering a safe, supportive and structured environment for practicing long-term sobriety, while reintegrating back into daily living.
Intensive Outpatient Program
A structured program, less intensive than inpatient treatment but more intensive than traditional outpatient care, involving a combination of therapies skills-building activities, to help people work towards recovery and maintain mental health.
Treatment programming allowing patients to receive care without staying in a hospital or inpatient facility, providing a variety of therapeutic and medical services.
Virtual & In-Home Care
Not Offered at This Center
The delivery of therapeutic services utilizing technology such as video conferencing, online messaging or phone calls, allowing for flexibility, comfort and increased access to care.




Group Therapy


Twelve Step



1-on-1 Counseling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Introduction to the 12 Step Program

Massage Therapy

Nutrition Counseling

Relapse Prevention Counseling


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

What We Treat






Co-Occurring Disorders



Drug Addiction



Follow-up Sessions (online)
Private, Online Alumni Groups

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